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Category Archives: hydraulic fracturing
Living near a fracking well may be dangerous to your health
Connecting the dots between chronic, small-dose exposure to toxic substances and resulting illness takes time and money. This has been the case time and again when studying cancer clusters and groundwater pollution (think A Civil Action in Woburn, MA) or asthma … Continue reading
Posted in cardiovascular disease, environmental health, hydraulic fracturing
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Enviro health reports out of IoM
It’s been a busy last two weeks in terms of conferences. Now it’s time to catch up on your enviro public health reading over the weekend. The IoM (Institute of Medicine) has recently produced several interesting reports about the intersection of … Continue reading
Posted in environmental health, environmental justice, global health, health impact assessments, hydraulic fracturing, Institute of Medicine, public health, sustainability
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The Disclosure Debates at Vermont Law School: Part One
The Vermont Law Review hosted its 13th Annual Symposium, the Disclosure Debates: The Regulatory Power of an Informed Public. The event addressed disclosure in the context of environmental laws, financial regulation, food and product labeling, and campaign finance. Professor Pat … Continue reading
Posted in chemical safety regulation, environmental health, environmental law, hydraulic fracturing, risk assessment
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Worker Safety and the Federal Rulemaking Process
Crystalline silica, a mineral in the earth’s crust, is a common component of sand, stone, concrete, and brick. When workers cut, saw, or drill these materials—mainly during construction work and mining operations—the silica is aerosolized, exposing workers to fine particulate … Continue reading
Posted in carcinogens, CDC, Clean Air Act, environmental health, environmental health law, EPA, Fine Air Particulates, hydraulic fracturing, NACOSH, NIEHS, NIH, OMB, OSHA, pollution control standards, public health, routes of exposure
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The Effect of Hydraulic Fracturing on Groundwater Quality
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has recently become one of the most talked-about resource recovery methods in the country. Fracking involves fracturing rock formations to stimulate the flow of natural gas or oil to the surface. In order to fracture a rock … Continue reading
Posted in cooperative federalism, drinking water, environmental health law, environmental law, EPA, hydraulic fracturing, precautionary principle, public health, Safe Drinking Water Act
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