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Category Archives: pesticides
New EPA report on health impacts of chlorpyrifos
Environment Health News just published this article about this recent EPA study concluding that chlorpyrifos, an insecticide used on corn and other U.S. crops, poses health risks to workers and can also contaminate drinking water. Chlorpyrifos is one of the most commonly … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture and human health, drinking water, endocrine disruptors, EPA, insecticides, pesticides, Rachel Carson, synthetic chemicals
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Mapping autism
The conclusion of this recent Newsweek article, Geography of Autism, points to the uncertainty of studies seeking to link the disease with environmental exposures. “It’s a working hypothesis,” says autism researcher Angelica Ronald at Birkbeck, University of London. This recent study sought to … Continue reading
Posted in autism, environmental health, lead, pesticides
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Inert but potent
Three environmental and public health groups represented by Earthjustice filed suit yesterday, asking the U.S. District Court in San Francisco to require the EPA to promulgate final rules requiring public disclosure of specific pesticide ingredients. The Center for Environmental Health, Beyond Pesticides, and Physicians for … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture and human health, carcinogens, chemical safety regulation, consumer pressure, environmental health, EPA, FIFRA, label laws, pesticides, PSR, public health, risk communication, synthetic chemicals
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Pesticide Residue Found on Nearly Half of All Produce Sold in Canada
Canada’s CBC News recently requested data from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) under federal Access to Information Act, similar to the U.S.’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). According to the data, almost half of the fruits and vegetables sold … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture, food contamination, pesticides
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Losing “The Good Earth”
China’s government acknowledged this week that 8 million acres of its farmland – a land mass about the size of Belgium — is too polluted for growing food. In 2013, dangerous levels of cadmium were detected in rice grown in Henan, a … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture, agriculture and human health, air pollution, cadmium, carcinogens, China, environmental health, environmental health law, food contamination, lead, pesticides, pollution control standards, synthetic chemicals
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Public Health and Environmental Protection
While Caitlin attended the VLS symposium on Friday, I was at the University of Michigan Law School’s Environmental Law and Policy Program’s fall conference. Co-sponsored by the school’s Environmental Law Society and the Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law, … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture and human health, built environment, climate change and health, environmental cleanup, environmental health, environmental health law, environmental justice, EPA, Fine Air Particulates, lead, mercury, NRDC, pesticides, pollution control standards, precautionary principle, public health, risk assessment, risk management, vulnerable populations
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The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a statement, to be followed by an article in the October issue of Obstetrics & Gynecologists, warning women about the risks that toxins pose to both pregnant women and fetuses. The … Continue reading
Posted in BPA, chemical safety regulation, environmental health, pesticides
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GAO Reviews EPA’s use of Conditional Registration
Pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA conducts toxicity assessments to determine whether or not to register chemical substances. In a recent report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) addressed EPA’s longstanding struggle to obtain adequate scientific information on … Continue reading
Posted in EPA, pesticides, TSCA
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U.S. government agreed to clean up its “mess” in Vietnam
On August 9, 2012, the United States initiated a project to “clean up” herbicides including Agent Orange used in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. A large amount of toxic chemicals were used in Vietnam by the U.S. government to discover … Continue reading
Posted in carcinogens, DDT, dioxins, environmental health, environmental health law, environmental justice, environmental law, pesticides, public health, public health law
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Are “Neonics” Killing Honey Bees?
A story featured on NPR tonight led off with “[e]nvironmentalists and beekeepers are calling on the government to ban some of the country’s most widely used insect-killing chemicals.” These pesticides, called neonicotinoids or neonics, for short, coat the seeds of many … Continue reading
Posted in agriculture, environmental health, EPA, pesticides, routes of exposure, synthetic chemicals
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