The Protest

Police block the highway en route to the Bella Center

Police block the highway en route to the Bella Center

Update: Click the pictures for better view.

After watching protesters get pushed around by police online in front of the Bella Center, I jumped on the bike and rode 3 miles on a wet and muddy bike path and took the following shots.

The main thoroughfares and highway bridges were blocked by strategically parked police vans surrounded by officers directing traffic. They were dressed, I believe, in riot gear and Continue reading

Al Gore et. al. Present New Report on Melting Ice

Al Gore thanking Dr Bob Corell

Al Gore thanking Dr Bob Corell

I just witnessed the unveiling of an important new report, sponsored and presented by Al Gore and Gro Harlem Brundtland (yes, that Brundtland), Greenland Ice Sheet – Melting Snow and Ice: Calls for Action. Other global heavyweights that presented were the world-renowned scientist Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, the Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Stoere, and Greenland Premier Kuupik Kleist. It was a standing room only event with many more waiting outside the venue doors.

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Rajendra Pachauri, “The ONE”

I couldn’t believe my eyes when the media-engulfed Rajendra Pachauri walked through the conference room door. To that point, I hadn’t read the session description beyond the title, but I knew anything IPCC related would be important. I did not realize that the session was to be an update *by* the heads of the IPCC. Cameras flashed, the buzzing room hushed, and Pachauri held a full court press before taking the microphone. Continue reading